The 47-year-old Bollywood and Marathi film actor Shreyas Talpade was rushed to Belleview Hospital in Andheri after he complained of uneasiness and collapsed at his residence. The versatile actor suffered from a heart attack and underwent an angioplasty.
An official of the medical facility confirmed his condition. The actor has tuned some brilliant masterpieces of films like ‘Iqbal’, ‘Dor’, ‘Om-Shanti-Om’, and the ‘Golmaal’ franchise with his curative performances. Talpade’s family while confirming his recovery requested the media to maintain privacy at the onset of the mishap. Shreyas was in ICU in the initial days and gradually showed signs of a speedy recovery.
Two months after the fatal cardiac arrest, the actor is now back to his work at a slower pace. Talpade was shooting in Mumbai with co-stars Akshay Kumar and Disha Patani for their upcoming film ‘Welcome to the Jungle’. Comprehensively on 14th December 2023, the actor felt minor discomfort in his chest leading to breathing disorders, and eventually collapsed on reaching home back from work.
However, the Bollywood star confirmed himself in stable condition once he opened up about the horrendous incident of sudden health failure. Talpade elaborated saying that while shooting for the army training sequence he felt strange uneasiness and could hardly carry himself home with discomfort.
Shreyas further stated that on reaching the hospital he faced a cardiac arrest in his car. The doctors did CPR, and electric shocks to revive him. He was diagnosed with two main arteries blockage and had a stent placed through angioplasty. Shreyas admitted his family history of heart ailment and a rigorous work schedule as reasons for his health mishap.