Central Indiana faced severe weather conditions over the past 24 hours with hazardous hail and damaging winds repeatedly hitting the land in destructive stormy encounters. Tornado outbreaks over and again since Thursday have affected multiple states, sweeping across the Southern Plains and Midwest into the Ohio Valley. Two were killed and several people injured as of now reported from across the state official offices.
Chief Deputy Joe Kopus alongside the Logan County Sheriff’s office confirmed massive destruction throughout Lakeview, Midway, Orchard Island, and Russel’s Point. Mercer County Emergency Management reported severe damages to homes and the latest 3 injuries.
The tornado rampaged through the town of Winchester, Indiana, causing injuries to 38 people among whom 12 are already hospitalized. No deaths have been recorded according to Randolph County Emergency Management. The Winchester Community High School is serving as a refuge for the storm victims currently.
The governor is on a survey expedition to eastern Indiana whereas Urban search and rescue teams are already rendering help and support to the tornado-affected zones with immediate effect.